.pl 8.5i
.po 0.5i
.ll 4.5i
.sp |0.5i
.nr def_ps 10
.nr def_vs 15
.nr sml_ps 9
.nr sml_vs 13
.nr flr_ps 20
.nr flr_vs 20
.fam N
.ft NR
.ps \n[def_ps]pt
.vs \n[def_vs]pt
.ps \\n[def_ps]pt
.vs \\n[def_vs]pt
.nop \f[I]for the\f[]\h[|0.5i]\f[B]\\$1\f[]
.ps \\n[def_ps]pt
.vs \\n[def_vs]pt
.in 0
.ft NI
.nop \\$1
.in 0.5i
.ft NR
.de ftsmall
.ps \\n[sml_ps]pt
.vs \\n[sml_vs]pt
.de finalflourish
.ps \\n[flr_ps]pt
.vs \\n[flr_vs]pt
.in 0
.nop \f[ZD]\m[red3]\N[167]\m[]\f[]
.ds st \f[B]\v[-.25v]\s[-4]st\s[+4]\v[.25v]\f[]
.ds nd \f[B]\v[-.25v]\s[-4]nd\s[+4]\v[.25v]\f[]
.ds rd \f[B]\v[-.25v]\s[-4]rd\s[+4]\v[.25v]\f[]
.ds th \f[B]\v[-.25v]\s[-4]th\s[+4]\v[.25v]\f[]
.ds treble \s[-3]TREBLE\s[+3]
.ds tenor \s[-3]TENOR\s[+3]
.ds conductor \f[I]\s[-1](conductor)\s[+1]\f[]
\h[|3.0i]\X'pdf: pdfpic nagcr.pdf -L 1.5i 1.5i'
.sp 0.5v
.GUILD "North American Guild"
.STANZA "on"
April 1\*[st], 2018
.STANZA "at"
Christ Church in the City of Boston
\f[I](called \[lq]Old North\[rq])\f[]
.STANZA "was rung a peal of"
5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
composed by Donald F Morrison
.STANZA "by the ringers"
.in 0
.ta 1iR 1.2i
\*[treble] Cally D Perry
2 T David Westmoreland
3 Alison Stevens
4 Leland Paul Kusmer
5 Edward J Futcher \*[conductor]
6 John Bihn
7 Elaine M Hansen
\*[tenor] Austin J Paul
.STANZA "with notes"
Rung for Easter.
.sp 0.25
First peal in the method 3,4,6
.sp 0.25