<img src="images/logo.jpg" alt="TRhIP | Global TravEpiNet" title="TRhIP | Global TravEpiNet" id="logo" />
<h2 id="title-h2"><!-- S=title2 -->Travelers’ Rapid Health Information Portal<!-- /S --></h2>
<p id="recommendation"><!-- S=recs -->The following general recommendations are based on your age ([% age %]) and the country or countries you are visiting ([% dests %]).<!-- /S --> <span class="note"><!-- S=visit-pcp -->These recommendations do not replace the personalized advice of your health care provider.<!-- /S --></span></p>
[% START master %]
[% START urgent-warnings %]
<div class="section" id="urgent-warnings">
[% START urgent-warnings-ebola %]
<p class="urgent-warning" id="urgent-warnings-ebola"><!-- S=ebolawarn -->The CDC urges all US residents to avoid non-essential travel to <a target="_blank" class="external" href="http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/warning/ebola-guinea">Guinea</a> because of an unprecedented outbreak of Ebola.<!-- /S --></p>
[% END urgent-warnings-ebola %]
[% START urgent-warnings-nepal-earthquake %]
<p class="urgent-warning" id="urgent-warnings-nepal-earthquake"><!-- S=nepalearthquakewarn -->The CDC urges all US residents to avoid non-essential travel to <a target="_blank" class="external" href="http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/warning/earthquake-nepal">Nepal</a> because of the effects of the April 25, 2015 earthquake.<!-- /S --></p>
[% END urgent-warnings-nepal-earthquake %]
[% END urgent-warnings %]
<div class="section" id="results">
<!-- S=printbtn --><input type="button" value="Print" onclick="window.print()" id="print-button" class="button" /><!-- /S -->
<h3 id="your-checklist-h3"><!-- S=checklist -->Your Checklist<!-- /S --></h3>
<div class="sub-section" id="before-your-trip-div">
<h3 id="before-your-trip-h3"><img src="images/checklist.png" width="32" height="32"><!-- S=before -->Before your trip<!-- /S --></h3>
<h4 id="see-health-care-provider-h4"><!-- S=seehcp -->See a health care provider for advice, vaccines, and medications<!-- /S --></h4>
<ul class="recommendation-list" id="see-a-doctor-list">
<li id="talk-to-hcp-li"><!-- S=talk-to-hcp -->Talk to a health care provider ideally 4 – 6 weeks before your trip for personalized travel health recommendations. The CDC maintains a <a target="_blank" class="external" href="http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/page/travel-clinics.htm" id="cdc-dir-clinics-link">directory of clinics</a>. Even if you are leaving soon, a visit to your health care provider is still useful.<!-- /S --></li>
[% START age_type %]
[% START age_adult %]<li id="routine-vaccines-adult-li"><!-- S=routinevacc-adult -->Make sure you are up-to-date on routine vaccines.<!-- /S --></li>[% END age_adult %]
[% START age_minor %]<li id="routine-vaccines-minor-li"><!-- S=routinevacc-child -->Children, teenagers, and young adults should be up-to-date for all routine vaccines. Some vaccines may need to be given earlier than usual to protect young travelers.<!-- /S --></li>[% END age_minor %]
[% START age_unspec %]<li id="routine-vaccines-unspec-li"><!-- S=routinevacc-unspec -->Make sure you are up-to-date on routine vaccines.<!-- /S --></li>[% END age_unspec %]
[% END age_type %]
[% START immunizations %]
<li id="immunizations-parent-li"><!-- S=vaccines -->You may need vaccines to prevent the following travel-related diseases:<!-- /S -->
<ul id="immunzations">
[% START hep_a %]<li id="immunization-hepa"><!-- S=hepa -->Hepatitis A<!-- /S --></li>[% END hep_a %]
[% START je %]<li id="immunization-je"><!-- S=je -->Japanese encephalitis, depending on your travel plans and activities<!-- /S --></li>[% END je %]
[% START meningitis %]
[% START meningitis_yes %]<li id="immunization-meningitis-yes"><!-- S=mening -->Meningitis<!-- /S --></li>[% END meningitis_yes %]
[% START meningitis_sa %]<li id="immunization-meningitis-maybe"><!-- S=meningsa -->Meningitis may be required for pilgrims and certain travelers to Saudi Arabia<!-- /S --></li>[% END meningitis_sa %]
[% END meningitis %]
[% START polio %]<li id="immunization-polio"><!-- S=polio -->Polio<!-- /S --></li>[% END polio %]
[% START rabies %]<li id="immunization-rabies"><!-- S=rabies -->Rabies, depending on your travel plans and activities<!-- /S --></li>[% END rabies %]
[% START typhoid %]<li id="immunization-typhoid"><!-- S=typhoid -->Typhoid fever<!-- /S --></li>[% END typhoid %]
[% START yellow_fever %]
[% START yellow_fever_yes %]<li id="immunization-yf-yes"><!-- S=yfreq -->Yellow fever; required to enter one or more of the countries you will be visiting<!-- /S --></li>[% END yellow_fever_yes %]
[% START yellow_fever_maybe %]<li id="immunization-yf-maybe"><!-- S=yfmaybe -->Yellow fever, depending on your travel plans and activities (it is required for entry by many countries)<!-- /S --></li>[% END yellow_fever_maybe %]
[% END yellow_fever %]
[% END immunizations %]
[% START malaria %]<li id="malaria-present-li"><!-- S=malaria -->Malaria is present in [% dests %]. You may need a prescription medication to prevent malaria.<!-- /S --></li>[% END malaria %]
<li id="other-vaccines-li"><!-- S=othervacc -->Your health care provider may prescribe other vaccines (such as Hepatitis B) or medicines (such as medicine to treat altitude illness), depending on your health history and the details of your trip.<!-- /S --></li>
<h4 id="plan-for-emergencies-h4"><!-- S=plan -->Plan for emergencies<!-- /S --></h4>
<ul class="recommendation-list" id="plan-for-emergencies-list">
<li id="travel-med-insurance-li"><!-- S=insurance -->Consider travel medical insurance. Medical care overseas can be expensive especially if you need costly procedures or need to be evacuated to another country. <a href="http://www.cdc.gov/features/travelhealthinsurance/" class="cdc" target="_blank" id="cdc-travel-med-insurance-link">Click here for more about travel medical insurance from the CDC.</a><!-- /S --></li>
<div class="sub-section" id="during-your-trip-div">
<h3 id="during-your-trip-h3"><img src="images/checklist.png" width="32" height="32"><!-- S=during -->During your trip<!-- /S --></h3>
<h4 id="take-your-meds-h4"><!-- S=takemeds -->Take your medicines<!-- /S --></h4>
<ul class="recommendation-list" id="take-your-medicines-list">
[% START malaria %]<li id="take-malarials-li"><!-- S=take-malaria-meds -->Take your prescribed anti-malarial medication.<!-- /S --></li>[% END malaria %]
<li li="take-normal-meds-li"><!-- S=take-normal-meds -->Take all of the medicines you usually take when you are at home.<!-- /S --></li>
<h4 id="protect-yourself-h4"><!-- S=protect -->Protect yourself from illness and injury<!-- /S --></h4>
<ul class="recommendation-list" id="protect-yourself-list">
[% START bugbites %]
[% START bugbites_disease %]<li id="bugbites-diseased-li"><!-- S=bugs-diseases -->Avoid bites from mosquitoes and other bugs. Bug bites can lead to serious diseases such as malaria, chikungunya, dengue, and Zika. Use an insect repellent and wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, closed shoes, and hats as much as possible.<!-- /S --></li>[% END bugbites_disease %]
[% START bugbites_regular %]<li id="bugbites-regular-li"><!-- S=bugs-normal -->Avoid bites from mosquitoes and other bugs. Bug bites can lead to serious diseases. Use an insect repellent and wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, closed shoes, and hats as much as possible.<!-- /S --></li>[% END bugbites_regular %]
[% END bugbites %]
[% START foodwater %]
[% START foodwater_western %]<li id="foodwater-western-li"><!-- S=food-western -->Don’t get sick from the food you eat. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially before eating. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand gel (with at least 60% alcohol).<!-- /S --></li>[% END foodwater_western %]
[% START foodwater_restofworld %]<li id="foodwater-restofworld-li"><!-- S=food-rest -->Drink beverages that have been bottled and sealed. Eat food that is fully cooked and served hot. Wash your hands often. Following these tips can help you avoid travelers’ diarrhea.<!-- /S --></li>[% END foodwater_restofworld %]
[% END foodwater %]
<li id="roadsafety-li"><!-- S=road -->The most common cause of injuries and deaths among US travelers is road traffic. Wear a helmet when you ride a bike or motorcycle; always wear a seatbelt; look for oncoming traffic in both directions if crossing the street; avoid overcrowded buses and cars; and avoid driving at night on unfamiliar roads.<!-- /S --></li>
<div class="sub-section" id="after-your-trip-div">
<h3 id="after-your-trip-h3"><img src="images/checklist.png" width="32" height="32"><!-- S=after -->After your trip<!-- /S --></h3>
<ul class="recommendation-list" id="after-your-trip-list">
[% START malaria %]<li id="posttrip-malaria-li"><!-- S=seek-med-care -->Seek medical care immediately if you develop a fever after visiting a country with malaria ([% dests %]).<!-- /S --></li>[% END malaria %]
<li id="followup-with-pcp-li"><!-- S=followup-w-hcp -->Follow-up with a health care provider if you were seriously injured or ill during your trip.<!-- /S --></li>
[% END master %]
<div class="section" id="additional-information">
<h3 id="additional-information-h3"><!-- S=addtlinfo -->Additional information<!-- /S --></h3>
<p id="cdc-links-p"><!-- S=cdclinks -->Get destination specific health recommendations below:<!-- /S --></p>
<ul id="cdc-links">
<!-- <li><a href="http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/[% link_dest %].htm" target="_blank">[% link_name %]</a></li> -->
[% START cdc_links %]
<li class="cdc-link-li"><a href="[% dest_link %]" class="destination" target="_blank">[% dest_link_name %]</a></li>
[% END cdc_links %]
<p id="ask-pcp-if-qs-p"><!-- S=askhcp-if-qs -->Consult with your health care provider if you have questions.<!-- /S --></p>
<p id="learn-more-p"><!-- S=learnmore -->Learn more about travel health at the Travelers’ Health website of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (<a href="http://www.cdc.gov/travel/" class="cdc" target="_blank" id="learn-more-cdc-link">http://www.cdc.gov/travel/</a>).<!-- /S --></p>
<p id="cdc-notices-p"><!-- S=cdcnotes -->View the <a href="http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices" class="cdc" target="_blank">current travel notices</a> from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).<!-- /S --></p>
<p id="start-over-p"><!-- S=startover -->If you wish to see recommendations for a different trip, you may <a href="index">start over</a>.<!-- /S --></p>
<p id="have-safe-healthy-trip-p"><!-- S=bye -->Have a safe and healthy trip!<!-- /S --></p>
<div id="version-div">
<p class="version">recommendations version: 2014-09-30.1</p>
<p class="version">app version: [% _app_version %]</p>