package MGH_Biostat::TravEpi::SimpleRulesBase::Translator::LangFile;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(read_lang_file write_lang_file read_lang_file_ro read_lang_files_ro);

use Modern::Perl '2012';
use experimental 'switch';
use File::Slurp qw(slurp write_file);
use Set::Tiny qw(set);
use Carp;

# read a "lang" file
sub read_lang_file {
    my ($file) = @_;

    my $data = {
        '_order'   => [],
        '_stanzas' => {},

    my @stanzas;
        local $/ = '';
        @stanzas = slurp( $file, { binmode => ':encoding(UTF-8)', err_mode => 'quiet' } );

    foreach my $s (@stanzas) {
        my $temp = { name => '', date => {}, pt => {}, tags => set(), source => '', transl => '' };
        my @lines = split /\n/, $s;

        for (@lines) {
            when (m/^#: (.+)$/) {    # line prefixed with '#: ' sets the name
                $temp->{'name'} = $1;

            when (m/^#d (.+?)\|(.+)$/) {    # line prefixed with '#d ' is a previous version of the string
                $temp->{'date'}{$1} = $2;

            when (m/^#t (.+?)\|(.+)$/) {    # line prefixed with '#t ' are a previous translation
                $temp->{'pt'}{$1} = $2;

            when (m/^#g (.*)$/) {           # line prefixed with '#g ' contains tags separated by spaces
                my $tags = $1;
                my @tags = split /\s+/, $tags;
                $temp->{'tags'} = set(@tags);

            when (m/^source: (.+)$/) {
                $temp->{'source'} = $1;

            when (m/^transl: (.+)$/) {
                $temp->{'transl'} = $1;

            when (m/^invald: (.+)$/) {
                $temp->{'invald'} = $1;

        push @{ $data->{'_order'} }, $temp->{'name'};
        $data->{'_stanzas'}{ $temp->{'name'} } = $temp;

    return $data;

# read a "lang" file, and return a simple key -> translation hash
sub read_lang_file_ro {
    my ($file) = @_;
    my $data = read_lang_file($file);

    my $out = {};

    foreach my $key ( @{ $data->{'_order'} } ) {
        my $s = $data->{'_stanzas'}{$key};
        if ( !defined( $s->{'transl'} ) or ( $s->{'transl'} eq '' ) ) {
            warn("No translation for key '$key' in file '$file'\n");
        $out->{$key} = $s->{'transl'} || $s->{'source'}
          || '!! No translation available';

    return $out;

# given an array of lang files, read all of them into a hash
sub read_lang_files_ro {
    my %files = @_;

    my $out = {};
    foreach my $key ( keys %files ) {
        $out->{$key} = read_lang_file_ro( $files{$key} );
    return $out;

# save the data to the file
sub write_lang_file {
    my ( $file, $data ) = @_;

    croak("Not a valid lang file data structure") unless exists( $data->{'_order'} );
    croak("Not a valid lang file data structure") unless exists( $data->{'_stanzas'} );

    my @stanzas;

    foreach my $name ( @{ $data->{'_order'} } ) {
        push @stanzas, _build_stanza( $data->{'_stanzas'}{$name} );

    write_file( $file, { binmode => ':encoding(UTF-8)' }, join( "\n\n" => @stanzas ) . "\n\n" );

# build the text representation of a stanza
sub _build_stanza {
    my ($s) = @_;

    my @text;

    # put the name it
    push @text, '#: ' . $s->{'name'};

    # put the dated versions
    foreach my $d ( sort keys %{ $s->{'date'} } ) {
        push @text, '#d ' . $d . '|' . $s->{'date'}{$d};
    foreach my $d ( sort keys %{ $s->{'pt'} } ) {
        push @text, '#t ' . $d . '|' . $s->{'pt'}{$d};

    # put the tags
    if ( $s->{'tags'}->size() ) {
        push @text, '#g ' . join( " " => sort @{ $s->{'tags'}->members() } );

    # put the source
    push @text, 'source: ' . $s->{'source'};

    # put the translation
    push @text, 'transl: ' . $s->{'transl'};

    # if there is an invalidated string, put that
    if ( $s->{'invald'} ) {
        push @text, 'invald: ' . $s->{'invald'};

    return join( "\n" => @text );
