package MGH_Biostat::Locale::PO;
use Modern::Perl '2012';
use experimental 'switch';

use Carp;

use constant CTXSEP => chr(4);

# this is basically a simple rewrite of Locale::PO
# I've made a few small changes:
# - strings are no longer quoted until they are dumped to file
# - I've integrated the fix for the obsolete problem from
# - Importing into a hash now handles issues of context correctly
# - Everything is utf8 -- you no longer pass a flag to force it into that encoding
# - plural forms are an array, not a hash
# - flags are implemented with a hash, not an array
# - I've added a way to generate a hash key

sub new {
    my $class   = shift;
    my %options = @_;
    my %opts;

    # remove leading hyphens, if passed
    foreach my $optkey ( keys %options ) {
        my $newkey = ( $optkey =~ s/^-//r );
        $opts{$newkey} = $options{$optkey};

    my $self = {};
    bless $self, $class;

    $self->{'_flags'} = {};

    my @optcalls = qw(msgid fuzzy_msgid msgid_plural fuzzy_msgid_plural msgstr msgstr_n msgctxt fuzzy_msgctxt comment fuzzy automatic reference loaded_line_number);
    foreach my $call (@optcalls) {
        $self->$call( $opts{$call} ) if ( exists( $opts{$call} ) );

    my @formats = qw(c php perl);
    foreach my $format (@formats) {
        $self->_tri_value_flag( $format . '-format', 1 ) if defined( $opts{ $format . '_format' } );
        $self->_tri_value_flag( $format . '-format', 0 ) if defined( $opts{ 'no_' . $format . '_format' } );

    return $self;

# install simple accessor subroutines
my @string_sub_names = qw(msgid fuzzy_msgid msgid_plural fuzzy_msgid_plural msgctxt fuzzy_msgctxt msgstr comment automatic reference obsolete loaded_line_number);
foreach my $name (@string_sub_names) {
    no strict 'refs';
    *{$name} = sub { my $self = shift; $self->_accessor( $name, @_ ); };

sub _accessor {
    my $self = shift;
    my $key  = shift;

    @_ ? $self->{$key} = shift : $self->{$key};

# this differs from the original, as I want this to be an array
sub msgstr_n {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) {
        my $aref = shift;
        croak 'Argument to msgstr_n must be an arrayref: [ "string 0", "string 1", ... ].'
          unless ref($aref) eq 'ARRAY';

        $self->{'msgstr_n'} = $aref;

    return $self->{'msgstr_n'};

# deal with flags
sub add_flag {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($flag_name) = @_;
    $self->{'_flags'}{$flag_name} = undef;

sub remove_flag {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($flag_name) = @_;
    delete( $self->{'_flags'}{$flag_name} );

sub has_flag {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($flag_name) = @_;
    return exists( $self->{'_flags'}{$flag_name} );

sub _tri_value_flag {
    my $self      = shift;
    my $flag_name = shift;
    if (@_) {    #set or clear flag
        my $value = shift;
        if ( !defined($value) or ( $value eq '' ) ) {
            $self->remove_flag( 'no-' . $flag_name );
            return undef;
        elsif ($value) {
            $self->remove_flag( 'no-' . $flag_name );
            return 1;
        else {
            $self->add_flag( 'no-' . $flag_name );
            return 0;
    else {    # check the flags
        return 1 if $self->has_flag($flag_name);
        return 0 if $self->has_flag( 'no-' . $flag_name );
        return undef;

sub fuzzy {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) {
        my $value = shift;
        $value ? $self->add_flag('fuzzy') : $self->remove_flag('fuzzy');

    return $self->has_flag('fuzzy');

# install flag accessor subroutines
my @flag_sub_names = qw(c_format php_format perl_format);
foreach my $name (@flag_sub_names) {
    no strict 'refs';
    my $flag = ( $name =~ s/_/-/gr );
    *{$name} = sub { my $self = shift; return $self->_tri_value_flag( $flag, @_ ); };

# deal with quoting
# copied directly from Locale::PO
sub quote {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $string = shift;

    return undef unless defined $string;

    $string =~ s/\\(?!t)/\\\\/g;    # \t is a tab
    $string =~ s/"/\\"/g;
    $string =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
    return "\"$string\"";

sub dequote {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $string = shift;

    return undef unless defined $string;

    $string =~ s/^"(.*)"/$1/;
    $string =~ s/\\"/"/g;
    $string =~ s/(?<!(\\))\\n/\n/g;         # newline
    $string =~ s/(?<!(\\))\\{2}n/\\n/g;     # inline newline
    $string =~ s/(?<!(\\))\\{3}n/\\\n/g;    # \ followed by newline
    $string =~ s/\\{4}n/\\\\n/g;            # \ followed by inline newline
    $string =~ s/\\\\(?!n)/\\/g;            # all slashes not related to a newline
    return $string;

# generate a hash key automatically
sub hashkey {
    my $self = shift;
    return ( $self->msgctxt ? $self->msgctxt . CTXSEP : '' ) . $self->msgid;

# handle dumping
# I directly access the keys here, because I need to test for existence, not definedness
sub dump {
    my $self = shift;

    my $dump = '';

    my %prefixes = ( 'comment' => '# ', 'automatic' => '#. ', 'reference' => '#: ' );
    foreach my $comment_type (qw(comment automatic reference)) {
        if ( defined( $self->{$comment_type} ) ) {
            $dump .= $self->_dump_multi_comment( $self->{$comment_type}, $prefixes{$comment_type} );

    if ( %{ $self->{'_flags'} } ) {
        $dump .= '#, ' . join( ', ' => @{ [ sort keys %{ $self->{'_flags'} } ] } ) . "\n";

    my $fuzzy_prefix = $self->obsolete ? '#~| ' : '#| ';
    foreach my $fuzzy_type (qw(fuzzy_msgctxt fuzzy_msgid fuzzy_msgid_plural)) {
        if ( exists( $self->{$fuzzy_type} ) ) {
            my $real_type = ( $fuzzy_type =~ s/^fuzzy_//r );
            $dump .= $fuzzy_prefix . $real_type . ' ' . $self->_normalize_str( $self->{$fuzzy_type}, $fuzzy_prefix );

    my $obsolete_prefix = $self->obsolete ? '#~ ' : '';
    foreach my $type (qw(msgctxt msgid msgid_plural msgstr)) {
        if ( exists( $self->{$type} ) ) {
            $dump .= $obsolete_prefix . $type . ' ' . $self->_normalize_str( $self->{$type}, $obsolete_prefix );
    if ( exists( $self->{'msgstr_n'} ) ) {
        for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar( @{ $self->{'msgstr_n'} } ) ; $i++ ) {
            $dump .= $obsolete_prefix . 'msgstr[' . $i . '] ' . $self->_normalize_str( $self->{'msgstr_n'}[ $i ], $obsolete_prefix );

    $dump .= "\n";
    return $dump;

sub _dump_multi_comment {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $comment = shift;
    my $leader  = shift;
    my $chopped = $leader;
    my $result = $leader . $comment;
    $result =~ s/\n/\n$leader/g;
    $result =~ s/^$leader$/$chopped/gm;
    $result .= "\n";
    return $result;

sub _normalize_str {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $string = shift;
    my $prefix = shift // "";

    # Multiline: this isn't quite perfect, but fast and easy
    if ( defined $string && $string =~ /\n/ ) {
        my @lines = split( /\n/, $string, -1 );
        my $lastline = pop @lines;    # special treatment for this one
        my $output;
        $output = qq{""\n} if ( $#lines != 0 );
        foreach (@lines) {
            $output .= $prefix . $self->quote("$_\n") . "\n";
        $output .= $prefix . $self->quote($lastline) . "\n" if $lastline ne "";
        return $output;

    # Single line
    else {
        return ( $self->quote($string) || "" ) . "\n";

# saving files

sub save_file_fromarray {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->_save_file( 0, @_ );

sub save_file_fromhash {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->_save_file( 1, @_ );

sub _save_file {
    my $self = shift;
    my ( $hash, $file, $entries ) = @_;

    open( my $out, '>:encoding(utf-8)', $file ) or croak("Could not open $file for writing: $!");
    if ($hash) {
        foreach ( sort keys %$entries ) {
            print $out $entries->{$_}->dump();
    else {
        foreach (@$entries) {
            print $out $_->dump();


# reading files

sub load_file_asarray {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->_load_file( 0, @_ );

sub load_file_ashash {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->_load_file( 1, @_ );

sub _load_file {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $hash  = shift;
    my $file  = shift;
    my $class = ref $self || $self;
    my ( @entries, %entries );
    my $line_number = 0;
    my $po;
    my %buffer;
    my $last_buffer;

    my $plural_forms;

    open( my $in, '<:encoding(utf-8)', $file ) or croak("Could not open $file for reading: $!");

    while (<$in>) {


        if (/^$/) {    # empty line is end of an entry
            if ( defined($po) ) {
                foreach my $key (qw(fuzzy_msgctxt fuzzy_msgid fuzzy_msgid_plural msgctxt msgid msgid_plural msgstr msgstr_n)) {
                    no strict 'refs';
                    $po->$key( $buffer{$key} ) if exists( $buffer{$key} );

                if ( $po->msgstr_n and defined($plural_forms) ) {

                if ($hash) {
                    if ( $po->_hash_key_ok( $po->hashkey, \%entries ) ) {
                        $entries{ $po->hashkey } = $po;
                else {
                    push @entries, $po;

                if ( $po->msgid eq '' ) {

                    # this is a PO header, maybe we can extract some plural forms
                    my $temp = $po->msgstr;
                    if ( $temp =~ m/Plural-Forms: nplurals=\d+; plural=(.+?);\n/ ) {
                        $plural_forms = $1;

                undef $po;
                undef $last_buffer;
                %buffer = ();
        elsif ( /^#\s+(.*)/ or /^#()$/ ) {    # translator comments
            $po = $class->new( loaded_line_number => $line_number ) unless defined($po);
            if ( defined( $po->comment ) ) {
                $po->comment( $po->comment . "\n$1" );
            else {
        elsif (/^#\.\s*(.*)/) {               # Automatic comments
            $po = $class->new( loaded_line_number => $line_number ) unless defined($po);
            if ( defined( $po->automatic ) ) {
                $po->automatic( $po->automatic . "\n$1" );
            else {
        elsif (/^#:\s+(.*)/) {                # reference
            $po = $class->new( loaded_line_number => $line_number ) unless defined($po);
            if ( defined( $po->reference ) ) {
                $po->reference( $po->reference . "\n$1" );
            else {
        elsif (/^#,\s+(.*)/) {                # flags
            my @flags = split /\s*[,]\s*/, $1;
            $po = $class->new( loaded_line_number => $line_number ) unless defined($po);
            foreach my $flag (@flags) {
        elsif (/^#(~)?\|\s+msgctxt\s+(.*)/) {
            $po = $class->new( loaded_line_number => $line_number ) unless defined($po);
            $buffer{fuzzy_msgctxt} = $self->dequote($2);
            $last_buffer = \$buffer{fuzzy_msgctxt};
            $po->obsolete(1) if $1;
        elsif (/^#(~)?\|\s+msgid\s+(.*)/) {
            $po = $class->new( loaded_line_number => $line_number ) unless defined($po);
            $buffer{fuzzy_msgid} = $self->dequote($2);
            $last_buffer = \$buffer{fuzzy_msgid};
            $po->obsolete(1) if $1;
        elsif (/^#(~)?\|\s+msgid_plural\s+(.*)/) {
            $po = $class->new( loaded_line_number => $line_number ) unless defined($po);
            $buffer{fuzzy_msgid_plural} = $self->dequote($2);
            $last_buffer = \$buffer{fuzzy_msgid_plural};
            $po->obsolete(1) if $1;
        elsif (/^(#~\s+)?msgctxt\s+(.*)/) {
            $po = $class->new( loaded_line_number => $line_number ) unless defined($po);
            $buffer{msgctxt} = $self->dequote($2);
            $last_buffer = \$buffer{msgctxt};
            $po->obsolete(1) if $1;
        elsif (/^(#~\s+)?msgid\s+(.*)/) {
            $po = $class->new( loaded_line_number => $line_number ) unless defined($po);
            $buffer{msgid} = $self->dequote($2);
            $last_buffer = \$buffer{msgid};
            $po->obsolete(1) if $1;
        elsif (/^(#~\s+)?msgid_plural\s+(.*)/) {
            $po = $class->new( loaded_line_number => $line_number ) unless defined($po);
            $buffer{msgid_plural} = $self->dequote($2);
            $last_buffer = \$buffer{msgid_plural};
            $po->obsolete(1) if $1;
        elsif (/^(?:#~\s+)?msgstr\s+(.*)/) {

            # translated string
            $buffer{msgstr} = $self->dequote($1);
            $last_buffer = \$buffer{msgstr};
        elsif (/^(?:#~\s+)?msgstr\[(\d+)\]\s+(.*)/) {

            # translated string
            $buffer{msgstr_n}[ $1 ] = $self->dequote($2);
            $last_buffer = \$buffer{msgstr_n}[ $1 ];
        elsif (/^(?:#(?:~|~\||\|)\s+)?(".*)/) {

            # continued string. Accounts for:
            #   normal          : "string"
            #   obsolete        : #~ "string"
            #   fuzzy           : #| "string"
            #   fuzzy+obsolete  : #~| "string"
            $$last_buffer .= $self->dequote($1);
        else {
            warn "Strange line at $file line $line_number: [$_]\n";
    if ( defined($po) ) {
        foreach my $key (qw(fuzzy_msgctxt fuzzy_msgid fuzzy_msgid_plural msgctxt msgid msgid_plural msgstr msgstr_n)) {
            no strict 'refs';
            $po->$key( $buffer{$key} ) if defined( $buffer{$key} );

        my $msg_key = ( $po->msgctxt ? $po->msgctxt . CTXSEP : '' ) . $po->msgid;
        if ($hash) {
            if ( $po->_hash_key_ok( $msg_key, \%entries ) ) {
                $entries{$msg_key} = $po;
        else {
            push @entries, $po;

        undef $po;
        undef $last_buffer;
        %buffer = ();

    return ( $hash ? \%entries : \@entries );

sub _hash_key_ok {
    my $self = shift;
    my ( $key, $entries ) = @_;

    if ( $entries->{$key} ) {

        # don't overwrite non-obsolete entries with obsolete ones
        return 0 if ( ( $self->obsolete ) && ( not $entries->{$key}->obsolete ) );

        # don't overwrite translated entries with untranslated ones
        return 0 if ( ( $self->msgstr !~ /\w/ ) && ( $entries->{$key}->msgstr =~ /\w/ ) );

    return 1;

# additional stuff for plural forms
sub plural_form_text {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->_accessor( 'plural_form_text', @_ );

sub has_plural_form {
    my $self = shift;
    return defined( $self->{'plural_form_text'} );

sub translate_plural_form {
    my $self = shift;
    return unless $self->has_plural_form;

    my $pft = $self->plural_form_text;

    $pft =~ s/n/ \$n /g;

    $self->{'plural_form_sub'} = eval "sub { my \$n = shift; return $pft; }";

sub msgstr_n_apply {
    my $self  = shift;
    my ($n)   = @_;
    my $msgstr_n = $self->msgstr_n;
    return $n unless $msgstr_n;    # only work if we have some strings available
    my $rule_sub = $self->{'plural_form_sub'};
    return $n unless defined($rule_sub);
    my $choice = $rule_sub->($n);
    my $format_string = $msgstr_n->[ $choice ] // '%s';
    return sprintf( $format_string, $n );
