package MGH_Biostat::Locale::Locale; use Modern::Perl '2012'; use Module::Load; # this module implements a small subset of the what does. # however, it's all we really need. # you need to precreate the subsetted locales using the bin/ script # which requires that be installed, and then grabs that information. # function names are the same, so we could switch back really simply. our @defined_keys = qw(cldr_version orientation list); sub new { my $class = shift; my ($orig_tag) = @_; my $tag = ( ( $orig_tag =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]//gr ) =~ s/-/_/gr ) || 'en_US'; my $self = {}; my $mod = 'MGH_Biostat::Locale::DB::' . $tag; load $mod; no strict 'refs'; foreach my $key (@defined_keys) { $self->{$key} = ${$mod . '::' . $key}; } return bless $self, $class; } # return the text direction sub get_character_orientation_from_code { my $self = shift; return $self->{'orientation'}; } # create a list of "and"ed items sub get_list_and { my $self = shift; my (@items) = @_; return '' if ( @items == 0 ); return $items[ 0 ] if ( @items == 1 ); if ( @items == 2 ) { my $two = $self->{'list'}{'2'}; $two =~ s/\{([01])\}/$items[$1]/g; return $two; } else { my $start = $self->{'list'}{'start'}; $start =~ s/\{([01])\}/$items[$1]/g; splice(@items, 0, 2, $start); while ( @items > 2 ) { my $middle = $self->{'list'}{'middle'}; $middle =~ s/\{([01])\}/$items[$1]/g; splice(@items, 0, 2, $middle); } my $end = $self->{'list'}{'end'}; $end =~ s/\{([01])\}/$items[$1]/g; return $end; } return '_error in list creation'; }